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At Intellisoft, we are thrilled to present our groundbreaking Generative UI platform Nodio that leverages the power of Generative AI to transform the application development process. Imagine transitioning from a blank canvas to a fully functional application in just minutes! Our AI takes care of the heavy lifting, automating tedious tasks such as generating layouts, designing components, and writing code. Why Choose Nodio? AI Assisted Builder: Our AI Assisted Builder makes app creation incredibly easy. You don't need any coding skills—just share your vision and provide the necessary details. Our AI acts like a professional developer, bringing your app ideas to life effortlessly. API Payload First: Integrate your JSON data seamlessly with our API Payload feature. Simply input your JSON, and our AI will transform it into a fully functional app, ensuring smooth data integration and connectivity with various data sources. Database-First Magic: Experience the flexibility of our Database feature. Input your database script and let our AI handle the rest, making Nodio powerful and adaptable to your growing needs.

Your app will always perform at its best, no matter the complexity of your database. Transforming App Development: Watch our short demo to see Nodio's AI capabilities in action. We showcase how our platform can revolutionize your application development process, empowering your portfolio companies to build apps more quickly and efficiently, driving significant investment returns. Get Started with NCAMEO: Don't miss out on the future of application development. Try Nodio today and experience the seamless integration of Generative AI in app development. Enterprise-grade quality, cut costs by 50%, and speed up development by 70%. Schedule a call to learn more and elevate your app development experience!

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